Washington, DC, Area

January 10–15, 2024


In January, 2024, I went to the Washington, DC, area to attend Davidson basketball games at George Mason University and at George Washington Universtiy. That Thursday I went to the National Gallery of Art for most of the day. I took just a few pictures. There were two photo exhibits in the West building. Also, I saw many old favorites by French Impressionists. I did not recall having see a Manet picture of a dog.

The original building is now called the West Building. More modern works are in the newer East Building. The underground passage between is itself an animated work of art. Here is a brief video to show the effect, in two different resolutions for you to choose from:

HD       720p

In the East Building, I especially liked this joyous painting:

On Sunday Pete and I went to Mount Vernon. I had been there at least a couple of times before, but it had probably been twenty years since the last time. We toured the house and some of the outer structures, but it was windy and cold, so we spent much of our time in the museum.

This was the room where important guests were welcomed.

Green supposedly promited good digestion.

Lafayette presented Washington this key to the Bastille.

When his step-granddaughter Nelly Custis was 14 years old, Washington ordered her a top-of-the-line harpsichord. An exacting copy has been made. I don't know whether the one in the house or the one in the museum is the original.

Washington's desk

Washington's library is on the opposite wall. The wooden object that looks a bit like an ax was a fan that was moved by the pedals.

The elaborate bedrooms were for guests. Martha's room was much simpler.



George Washington’s bedroom had a sitting area and storage.

The bed in which Washington died

Kitchens were in separate buildings because of threat of fire and also because of heat in warm weather.



Blacksmith shop

Enslaved men’s quarters

Enslaved women’s quarters


Museum ->

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